3 Signs Trailer Repairs are in Your Future

Trailers are great to have! They come with many benefits for job sites, recreation, and hauling farm equipment. However, that great piece of equipment can go bad fast if you don’t maintain it. Make sure your next trip runs smoothly with trailer repair services from Timbuktu RV. 


We have all your RV parts and service repairs for any trip! Here are a few signs that you may need a trailer repair asap!


trailer repairs


Throw on the brakes!

Is it hard to stop your trailer? It may be time to check your braking system and axles. If you suspect the brakes aren’t working, it’s always a good idea to get them checked. While this is a relatively easy task, calling the professionals is always a good idea. However, if you feel confident (and you have the right tools), check to see if your wheels spin easily or if they lock up. If the wheels turn, be sure to bring your trailer in for further diagnosis. 


  • If your trailer is equipped with air brakes, you may hear an audible air leak.
  • A trailer that struggles to come to a complete stop can also have a bent axle. Either way, it’s always a good idea to take brake issues seriously.   



Check Your Lights

Pretty much every trailer should be equipped with some light systems. If you notice the lights flickering, and especially if one goes out, this can be a considerable safety issue on the road. You might have a simple blown fuse or a loose connection. However, your trailer might have something more serious like a faulty wiring system or electrical shorts. Make sure your trailer is road-safe with a lighting and wiring repair.



Tire Issues

Don’t allow your tires to go flat on your trailer. If you notice your trailer is pulling your vehicle to one side or the other while driving, this may be a tire issue. Of course, checking your trailer’s tire pressure before each tow should always be on your to-do list. However, if you find that your tires are continuously low, there may be a slow leak due to a crack or bulge in one of the tires. If left unchecked, this can lead to damaged rims and hubcaps, or worse, an accident. If you think you have a slow tire leak, be sure to get your trailer tires checked before the worst-case scenario occurs. 


Looking for trailer repairs you can rely upon?

 Don’t wait until you’re trailing your equipment to diagnose the problem. Take care of the issue before you hit the road! At Timbucktu RV, we offer a broad range of repairs to ensure you are ready for any hauling task. 


For questions and more information, call us at 508-459-1132. Visit our Facebook page for updates!