The Final Checklist For Your Trip

camper repairThe time is taken off, the camper repair got done, you packed, and you are ready to head out on your family vacation across the country. You believe that everything you need is there, but don’t do a final check before you get to your destination. You may realize that you have forgotten one major thing that you need. Doing a final walkthrough of your RV is key to ensuring that you have everything before the trip begins.

Sometimes, having a checklist is important to being able to help you consider what you need and is essential for the voyage. On your checklist, you should ponder the things that you need and then the things that may not be a necessity. Remember the more you have, the less room you have in the RV. So, create your list and include some of your essentials added to this list of RV supplies that we provided.

  • Matches

    • These will help you light the grill for cooking, as well as turn on the fire without needing to be too close to the flames when they start up.
  • Paper Towels

    • Not only will you need this while you eat and clean your hands, but it will also be useful should anything require a quick clean up before you go in with your cleaning supplies.
  • Foil, Plastic bags, and Tupperware

    • They let you store food and anything else that could potentially go sour when exposed to the outside. It makes it easier for you to see what you have.
  • Bedding

    • Stock up on sheets, blankets, and pillows for all of the beds. Don’t forget to pack extras as well, and some sleeping bags just in case. It is better to be prepared than not.
  • Flashlights

    • These will help you should you need to let the dog out or you need to just maneuver with limited lighting.
  • Toiletries

    • Bring toilet paper, washing needs, toothpaste, and anything else that you need to stay clean during your trip. Bring some extras as well. You never know how much you will use during your activities.
  • Extra Batteries

    • Batteries are essential when it comes to your RV trip. You need to be sure that you have everything necessary. Should batteries run out, you need to have plenty of extras in all sizes. Bring a whole box because you will need them.
  • Duct Tape

    • Duct tape solves all.
  • Basic car needs

    • From jumper cables and fluids that you need for the car to a fire extinguisher, tire pressure gauge, and other necessities that you carry with you in the home and the car, you need tools for your vehicle. It is better to be safe than sorry.
  • Medications and First Aid

    • These are key. Should you need medications, make sure you have enough for the trip until you get back. If you feel you may not have enough until the return, pick up your next refill early and bring all you have. Also make sure that you have all of the first aid necessities including Hydrogen Peroxide/Alcohol, gauze,  tape, bandages, and some tweezers.

Family road trips can be fun and stressful all at once, but it is important to remember that as long as there are essentials, you will be able to relax and enjoy the time. While camper repair is available and your RV runs fine, you may need to be able to have some time to do a final walk through of your needs and the status of the RV before you hit the road and drive into the sunset.